Exam రాసే వారికి గమనిక :-
1.ముందుగా ప్రశ్న క్లియర్ గా చదవండి.
2.ప్రతి ప్రశ్నకి క్రిందనే 4 options ఉంటాయీ ఏదో ఒక సరియైన సమదానము ఎన్నుకోండి .
3.ఇలా ప్రతి ప్రశ్నకి Answer చేయండి .
4.అన్ని ప్రశ్నలు Answer చేసిన తర్వాత లాస్ట్ లో “Finish” బట్టన్ నొక్కండి.
5.మీరు ఎన్ని సరైన Answers ఇచ్చారు ఎన్ని Wrong Answers ఇచ్చారు మీ Result చూపిస్తుంది.
6.ఇక్కడితో Online Exam ముగుస్తుంది
HD Quiz powered by harmonic design
#1. A: Gopal responds well to making models B: Mahesh responds well to computer graphic map Who is a Kinesthetic learner ?
#2. his is not the characteristic of young learners
#3. This is a psychological factor that influences second language acquisition
#4. Who said, "a positive language attitude let the learners have a positive orientation towards learning English ?"
#5. State curriculum Frame work - perspective
#6. The narrative allows...... treatment of second language
#7. This is an example for Discourse
#8. Language exists only in the form of......
#9. In the U.S or U K or in any developed country the class size is around
#10. The role of a teaching in the constructive classroom is....
#11. The strategy of social constructivism is ......
#12. ..theory defines learning as "a semi-permanent change in mental processes or associations"
#13. It does not give students the opportunity to express their own thoughts in a creative way.
#14. Lessons in TPR are organized around.....
#15. This is the principle of Bilingual methods
#16. This method is used in the. 19th century to teach French, German and English
#17. The modules are categorized based on the reading process as...
#18. We have to understand that the objectives of different modules are.....
#19. There is a scope for.....types of interaction in the class room
#20. This is a scope for interaction in English class
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